How to Overcome the Attacks of Christians

How to Overcome the Attacks of Christians

“For Christ has already accomplished the purpose for which the law was given. As a result, all who believe in him are made right with God.”

Romans 10:4

The gospel literally means good news. It is meant to free us from all our bondages. Rather it be an addiction, constant fear and anxiety, codependency, greed, adultery, or never-ending religious works of attempting to achieve status with God. The good news about what Jesus has done for us is meant to give us rest. Conveying more rules to follow was never the intention of God. Instead, freedom is what He had on His heart–and still does (see John 8:36, Matthew 11:28, Galatians 5:1).

However, after you accept this gift from God, some Christians will want you to stay in a state of panic, as if you can lose what He has already freely given you. By simply telling other Christians they are completely forgiven once they place their faith in Jesus, attacks will come from those who don’t believe this way.

There are certain Christians who actually think they’ve done something, or they’re doing something, to stay in good standing with God; as if they’re sustaining their salvation through their actions. They’ll say things like, “You’re wrong! There is more you gotta do than simply place your faith in Jesus! You can’t just believe that Jesus has forgiven you! God throws backsliders in the deepest parts of hell! You have to live it out just right or it’s not real!”

They want you to be like them but nobody wants to be like them except for other Christians who like to have their ears tickled as the preacher strokes their self-righteous egos. These grace-confused people are still very lost in their thinking because they don’t understand what Jesus has really done for them. The very same unconditional love and grace which they’re against, they too, will be in desperate need of when they stand before God. 

I get a lot of positive feedback from people who follow my ministry and read my books. It feels good to hear what Christ is doing in the lives of those who realize just how valuable they are to Him! When they finally get to the point of…relaxing in His grace…(see Hebrews 4:11).

The good feedback far outweighs the bad, and the bad feedback usually comes from those who attempt to make Jesus’ finalized work at the Cross conditional. They want me to teach the masses that we have to be in a special club to access Christ. For them, when I emphasize just how forgiven we truly are, it’s like lighting a powder-keg.

They become infuriated because they find their identity in themselves, not in Christ. They honestly believe that what they do completes what He’s done, as if He couldn’t possibly do it without them. It’s sad. And right after they flip their lid, or become condescending toward me, they usually begin to take Bible verses out of context in an effort to try to generate fear. That, or to prove their own self-righteousness because their legalism “matches up” with God’s Word.

We must show these people grace. It’s the only way. 

Why show aggressive Christians grace? Because deep down even they know they aren’t doing everything perfectly. This is why they get so abrasive. They’re trying to prove to the world they are good because of their deeds, when all they need to do is point to Jesus as being good in them.

With all ferocity, they want to convince people they’ve done something or are doing something themselves to achieve holiness. But the Spirit of God is telling them, “Your holiness is free.” I understand this very well because I used to do this.

Until you try to earn–or worse, sustain your salvation/holiness–through attempting to be 100% perfect in word, thought, and deed, you’ll never fully understand that you can’t. To get to this point, all you need to do is burn yourself out. The sooner you fall over in exhaustion, the better. Only then can Christ pick you up, nurse you back to health His way, and then fully work through you in a partnership…in an actual relationship.

But you gotta give up! You gotta realize that everything’s been free for you from the very beginning of your belief in Him! 

As for now, I’m willing to be misunderstood by a few people in order to help many more people understand God’s love for them in Christ. His love is 100% unconditional, unearnable, and once had, unlosable. This is called grace. If you can’t grasp the concept of grace then you can’t grasp what Jesus has really done for you. The concept of grace is that grace grasps onto you through Jesus, not the other way around. He holds us secure in His hand, even when we let go. This is the gospel! (See 2 Timothy 2:13, Hebrews 7:25, Ephesians 2:8-9, Acts 20:24, John 10:28-29).

So today, my friends, know this: Even if certain Christians reject you, Jesus will never reject you! He has become one with your spirit! The first time you invited Him into your heart and believed He saved you from your sins, He actually did! Even your future sins! So stop worrying about those too! Keep in mind, when Jesus died, all of your sins were in the future! As for the Christians who attack you because you stand on such a bold claim, what should you do about it?…Love them. Think of them with the same love that Jesus thinks of you with. If you will do this, you will be positively altering the course of humanity forever with your love! So love them! Love them, love them, love them!

A prayer for you: Father, today I want to thank you for the revelation of your great love for me, which is found in Jesus. Thank you for teaching me that I’ve done nothing to get right with you, but Christ in me is all the rightness I’ll ever need! Thank you for letting me know He’s done everything for me. Thank you for showing me that all I must do each day is wake up and let Him live THROUGH me—that’s it! Thank you for removing the legalistic mindset I had for far too long—a mindset of doing more and behaving differently to make sure you still loved me. Right now, I lift up all who are reading this, directly to you. For those who have been badly hurt by other Christians who don’t understand your grace, heal their minds. Let them know that was NOT you, but the people incorrectly attempting to represent you. And for the ones doing this, please give them a supernatural epiphany of just how great your love is for them, then teach them how to give it away to everyone! In Christ’s name I pray these things, amen.

This devotional is from 60 Days for Jesus, Volume 2. Get your copy here

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