You Have the Same Power of Christ

“Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete.”
John 16:24
Do you realize you have power in you? Yes, you have access to the same power as God! This is the strange part of Christianity because it’s difficult to wrap our minds around such a statement. Even if you are already enjoying a deep relationship with Jesus (you “get” His grace, and you understand your spiritual perfection) admitting that you have actual power requires a child-like faith.
I can try to encourage others all day long. I can even point to the organic ways of the gospel which will help improve the quality of their life–which is realizing we have Christ’s life (see Colossians 3:4). But when I go so far as to tell people they have God’s power in them, sometimes even I get a small batch of butterflies trickle into my stomach.
Why is this? First off, it’s weird. But if you really think about it, all of this is weird. This world, this life, us breathing air, on and on. Life is strange as can be, but it was God’s idea so it is good!
Second of all, we must understand that on our own we have no power, nada! (See John 15:5). We humans are completely powerless even if we think we’re loaded with it–by whatever means (money, status, etc.). But the good news is this: every Christian has access to the power of God through our simple faith in Jesus Christ!
Jesus said that He has given us power (see Luke 10:19). I repeat, Jesus said that He has given us power! We gotta stop overlooking that! He also said we will do even greater things than Him! (See John 14:12). So how do we tap into this power? By simply being yourself. If you believe Jesus has saved you, you have all the power you could possibly ever need, right now, in your spirit.
Our God works miracles every second of the day and He lives in you, believer! The greatest miracle of all is love! (See 1 Corinthians 13:13, John 3:16). When you love, you are being your true self in the purest form.
And this supernatural power in you is coming directly from the Holy Spirit–your Savior’s Spirit, Jesus.
So today, my friends, know this: Whatever you are facing or whoever you are facing, please stop reacting with fear or timidity. Instead, begin to react with the power of Jesus Christ! React with confidence! Tap into His power today, at all times, by simply saying “Jesus.” He’s right there, inside you.
A prayer for you: Heavenly Father, thank you for giving me the honor of living out another day on your planet. You are good. You are sovereign. I also want to thank you for my job, for my home, and for my family’s good health. Thank you for this ministry you’ve given me as well. What a privilege it is to talk about you to so many people. Right now, I lift up all who are reading this, directly to you. You see their hearts, you see their situations, you see their lives. In Jesus’ name I ask that you help them. I’m asking that you let them know about the power inside them! Make them bold through the enormous power of the Holy Spirit! Teach them how to get rid of defeated, negative attitudes, through the confidence of Christ! I’m also asking that you break addictions and heal broken relationships! Show them how much POWER they have in them because of you! Amen.
This devotional is from 60 Days for Jesus, Volume 1. Get your copy here!